Centering Prayer | In Person LOCATION: St. Pius X Catholic Church, 1800 N. Pio Decimo, Tucson, AZ 85715 CONTACT: Donna Sweet, (520) 269-8532, Check our Directory of Groups for more information.
Francine Grimaldi Rienstra guides “Aspirelings” to create their own guidelines for balanced living. Crafting Your Own Rule of Life is the required book of study. $50.00 12 weeks course. Click Here to Register
LOCATION: Via de Dios Center, 3615 N Prince Village Pl #101, Tucson, AZ 85719 CONTACT: Nancy Kowalski, (520) 331-5961, See more information in our Directory of Groups.
Centering Prayer | In Person LOCATION: St. Pius X Catholic Church, 1800 N. Pio Decimo, Tucson, AZ 85715 CONTACT: Donna Sweet, (520) 269-8532, Check our Directory of Groups for more information.
Francine Grimaldi Rienstra guides “Aspirelings” to create their own guidelines for balanced living. Crafting Your Own Rule of Life is the required book of study. $50.00 12 weeks course. Click Here to Register
LOCATION: Via de Dios Center, 3615 N Prince Village Pl #101, Tucson, AZ 85719 CONTACT: Nancy Kowalski, (520) 331-5961, See more information in our Directory of Groups.
Centering Prayer | In Person LOCATION: St. Pius X Catholic Church, 1800 N. Pio Decimo, Tucson, AZ 85715 CONTACT: Donna Sweet, (520) 269-8532, Check our Directory of Groups for more information.
Francine Grimaldi Rienstra guides “Aspirelings” to create their own guidelines for balanced living. Crafting Your Own Rule of Life is the required book of study. $50.00 12 weeks course. Click Here to Register
LOCATION: Via de Dios Center, 3615 N Prince Village Pl #101, Tucson, AZ 85719 CONTACT: Nancy Kowalski, (520) 331-5961, See more information in our Directory of Groups.
Centering Prayer | In Person LOCATION: St. Pius X Catholic Church, 1800 N. Pio Decimo, Tucson, AZ 85715 CONTACT: Donna Sweet, (520) 269-8532, Check our Directory of Groups for more information.
Francine Grimaldi Rienstra guides “Aspirelings” to create their own guidelines for balanced living. Crafting Your Own Rule of Life is the required book of study. $50.00 12 weeks course. Click Here to Register