Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your center located?

We don’t have a permanent central location yet. That is our hope and prayer.

For now, we offer various locations to hold our classes and events for your convenience.

The Pantano address is a mailing address only.

Do you charge for your classes?

Yes. The cost is usually $10.00 per person per class. Special events usually cost $20.00 per person. If you become a member of Via de Dios you’ll get 50% off most classes.

As you can imagine, this price does not cover our expenses but certainly helps.

Is your organization a church?

No. We are not a church. We are a Christian organization, so we follow the “way” of Jesus Christ as attested in scripture. Our Board and staff are comprised of people from various Christian backgrounds.

Can anyone come to your classes?

Yes, while we are a Christian organization, we are open to people from all walks of life.