We are your “Virtual Christian Center”
APRIL 2020: Churches and Organizations have stepped up to the challenge of Social Distancing by providing Online services, events, and groups. Via de Dios is no exception. We are currently your “Virtual Christian Center”. If you haven’t already, please join in.
Register if you’re a first-time attendee for our FREE Ongoing Contemplative/Centering Prayer Groups through Zoom.
Via de Dios is considering adding a ZOOM Contemplative Prayer meeting for everyone, even if you belong to an in-person small group at a specific location. This gives us the opportunity to have a large group from any location practicing together. If you were attending the group at the Benedictine Monastery a few years ago, this might be a good resource for you.
Christian Meditation, Contemplation and Lectio Divina
(no charge / donation)
Learn the ancient art of Christian Meditation and Contemplation. This transformative practice which has almost been lost over thousands of years is now making a resurgence. Why is it becoming a prayer practice of choice? Join one of our weekly groups today:
Marie’s Centering Prayer Group
Tuesday mornings (weekly) – eastside – 9am to 11am
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