This short course is designed to introduce the Christian Mystical tradition, with an emphasis on practices of prayer. We will cover the historical background that fostered the development of Christian mystical practices and theology (in Eastern and Western Christianity), review important people and organizations within the Roman Catholic monastic orders, and then explain the theology and practical instruction of the Christian mystics regarding meditation and contemplative prayer. Finally, we will describe how to begin to practice historically Christian forms of meditation and contemplation.
Registration required
3/9 (Monday): 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
3/16 (Monday): 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
3/23 (Monday): 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Cost: There is no charge for the series. A donation is appreciated.
St Melany Social Hall
1212 N Sahuara Ave
Recommended Reading:
*On Ascetical Life, St. Isaac of Nineveh, translated Mary Hansbury (SVS Press:1989)
* The Cloud of Unknowing and The Book of Privy Counseling, translated & edited by William Johnston (Image Press)
* Optional but also recommended: Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and the Gospel—on Prayer, by Thomas Dubay (Ignatius Press:1989)
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