Survey of: St. Teresa of Avila & St. John of the Cross




Survey of: St Teresa of Avila & St John of the Cross
St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross are among the most influential leaders and teachers in
the Western Christian tradition. Yet most people know little about
why this is so (even if they might be familiar with aspects of their
stories). Their writings are a gold mine of instruction and insight into
the inner contemplative path in God through faith in Jesus Christ.
The purpose of this class is to introduce St. Teresa and St. John as
individuals, placing them in the historical timeframe they lived in,
and tell of what they did and are justly known for. Then we will
survey the basics of what they modeled and taught about the Way to
God within as well as the outworking of this Reality union with the
Triune God.

This will be a 4 week class on consecutive Saturday mornings; 9
am—12:30 pm. Snacks will be provided. Malcolm Hooe & Jason
Caywood, our two instructors, are a wealth of knowledge from their
many years of reading, studying, teaching, education & experience.



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